QNAP FAN-9CM-T01 - Ventilateur châssis - 92 mm
15.55 € ttc
12.85 € htva
PAS DE STOCK (sur commande)
The QNAP FAN-9CM-T01 case fan is an essential upgrade for desktop computers and servers requiring efficient cooling and quiet operation. Designed to fit seamlessly into most systems, this fan features a 92 mm diameter and a high rotation speed of 2400 rpm, ensuring effective heat dissipation and improved system stability. Its low power consumption and compliance with major safety standards make it a reliable and eco-friendly choice for maintaining optimal performance in various computing environments. Whether you're looking to enhance your system's cooling capabilities or replace an existing fan, the QNAP FAN-9CM-T01 offers a balanced combination of performance, reliability, and quiet operation. |
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