Samsung QB13R
Samsung QB13R - Classe de diagonale 13" QBR Series écran LCD rétro-éclairé par LED - signalisation numérique - Tizen OS - 1080p 1920 x 1080
296.38 € ttc
244.94 € htva
(Disponible 48h)
(Disponible 48h)
Samsung's QB13R small display enables personalized and more impactful communication through its compact and versatile design. An all-in-one solution designed for professional use, the QB13R improves the operational efficiency of content, while also ensuring reliable performance for any business use. The display supports 1920 x 1080 FHD resolution, displaying crisp and easy-to-read content. This is enhanced by a non-glare panel which always delivers clear content in any ambient light. These innovative features are supported by reliable 16/7 operation, suitable for professional use. |
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