Brother Service-Pack
Brother Service-Pack - Contrat de maintenance prolongé - pièces et main d'oeuvre - 3 années - sur site - pour Brother DCP-L8410, HL-L8250, L8260, L8350, L8360, L9200, L9300, L9310, MFC-L8690, L9570

185.81 € ttc
153.56 € htva
(Disponible 48h)
(Disponible 48h)
Even after the delivery of Brother's products, for its customers Brother is always "at your side" by providing comprehensive support. Brother treasures the trusting relationship it is able to build with customers through its services, support and communications. Brother is determined to further its efforts to achieve a real customer-first policy, by creating and swiftly delivering superior value products to its customers. |
Spécifications Principales
Prix et informations mentionnés sous réserve d'erreurs ou d'omission - Photos non contractuelles
* Le stock et le délai de livraison peuvent changer à tout moment, à la hausse comme à la baisse.