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- Neovo SC-2402
Neovo SC-2402
Neovo SC-2402 - SC-Series (Advanced) - écran LED - 24" (23.8" visualisable) - 1920 x 1080 Full HD (1080p) - IPS - 250 cd/m² - 5 ms - HDMI, VGA, BNC (composite) - haut-parleurs
241.19 € ttc
199.33 € htva
(Disponible 48h)
(Disponible 48h)
The SC-2402 is a 24-inch 3-sided bezel less security monitor specifically designed for surveillance operators - especially those with a 24/7 operating multi-screen setup who are looking for efficient video monitoring. The SC-2402 provides value-added video enhancement controls that help create detailed images for low-light footage. Its optional monitor mounting solutions support single or multiple monitor setups. In terms of cost-effectiveness, this model is the solution for productivity in modern operator workstations. |
Spécifications Principales
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