Jabra Evolve2 65 MS Stereo

Jabra Evolve2 65 MS Stereo - Micro-casque - sur-oreille - Bluetooth - sans fil - USB-C - isolation acoustique - noir - Certifié pour Microsoft Teams
189.05 ttc
156.24 € htva
PAS DE STOCK (sur commande)
Catégorie Micro-casques & Microphones
Constructeur JABRA
Modèle 65 MS Stereo
Produit Jabra Evolve2
Référence Constructeur 26599-999-899
Outstanding outcomes require outstanding call performance, and seamless, professional audio makes all the difference. They took the incredible call performance of world-leading Evolve Series, and they made it even better, building in three strategically placed powerful professional microphones and adding advanced digital chipset and latest signal processing technology. The result is outstanding call quality, every time. It's not just a great call. It's the new standard of great calls.¦Satisfaction guaranteed isn't something you hear very often these days, but they're bringing it back; Evolve2 65 works with all leading Unified Communications(UC)platforms, for truly seamless collaboration. If your UC platform of choice is Microsoft Teams, the Teams-certified variant is perfectly adapted and optimized to give you the best experience with the platform.¦They've built this headset with powerful leak-tolerant 40 mm speakers and powered it with most advanced digital chipset ever. With Evolve, they brought you great music while you work. With Evolve2, they're taking audio quality to a whole new level. It's a professional headset, but not as you know it.
Spécifications Principales
Description du produitJabra Evolve2 65 MS Stereo - micro-casque
Utilisation recommandéeDispositifs électroniques portables, téléphone, ordinateur - communication
Technologie de connectivitéSans fil
Mode de sortie audioStéreo
CommandesVolume, touche secret, répondre/terminer
Type de microphonePerche télescopique
Facteur de forme du casqueSur-oreille
Fonctions supplémentairesDSP
Type de ProduitMicro-casque - Bluetooth - sans fil - USB-C
Technologie sans filBluetooth
Version BluetoothBluetooth 5.0
Isolation de bruitOui
Certification du logicielCertifié pour Microsoft Teams
Prix et informations mentionnés sous réserve d'erreurs ou d'omission - Photos non contractuelles
* Le stock et le délai de livraison peuvent changer à tout moment, à la hausse comme à la baisse.


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