SonicWall Software Support 24X7
SonicWall Software Support 24X7 - Support technique - pour SonicWALL NSv 800 - pour Microsoft Hyper-V - support téléphonique - 1 année - 24x7

4908.51 € ttc
4056.62 € htva
PAS DE STOCK (sur commande)
SonicWall SonicWall global support services are designed not only to keep your security infrastructure current, but also to react swiftly to any problem that may occur. However, that's not enough to keep your network safe these days. So the support services also include crucial updates and upgrades, the fine technical support, access to extensive electronic tools and timely hardware replacement.¦Designed for customers with SonicWall SonicWall E-Class solutions, SonicWall SonicWall E-Class Support 24x7 delivers the enterprise-class support features and quality of service that enterprise companies require keeping their networks running smoothly and efficiently.¦Customers with mission-critical network requirements cannot afford downtime; SonicWall SonicWall Dynamic Support 24x7 is an around-the-clock support service. |
Spécifications Principales
Prix et informations mentionnés sous réserve d'erreurs ou d'omission - Photos non contractuelles
* Le stock et le délai de livraison peuvent changer à tout moment, à la hausse comme à la baisse.