QNAP HS-M2SSD-03 - Dissipateur de SSD (solid state drive) - vert foncé (pack de 6) - pour QNAP QuCPE-3032-C3558R-8G
46.62 € ttc
38.53 € htva
PAS DE STOCK (sur commande)
The QNAP HS-M2SSD-03 solid state drive heatsink is an essential accessory for anyone looking to enhance their computer's performance and reliability. This product falls into both cooling and fans and storage accessories categories, offering a dual benefit for your system. It's specifically designed to provide enhanced cooling for solid state drives, ensuring they operate within optimal temperature ranges. This not only boosts the performance of your SSD but also significantly increases its lifespan by preventing overheating. With its versatile compatibility, this heatsink can be easily installed on a wide range of SSDs, making it a practical solution for improving your system's efficiency and stability. Whether you're a professional looking to optimize your workstation or a gamer seeking to enhance your setup, the QNAP HS-M2SSD-03 is a reliable choice that delivers on performance and durability. |
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