Bakker Elkhuizen Q-doc 500 Document Holder
Bakker Elkhuizen Q-doc 500 Document Holder - Porte-copie
78.12 € ttc
64.56 € htva
PAS DE STOCK (sur commande)
Document holders ensure that one can use documents efficiently and comfortably while working on the computer. Documents are often placed to one's left or right causing unnecessary strain on one's neck.¦An "in-line" document holder provides one functional working surface, realizes short viewing distances between the document, screen and keyboard and thereby increases productivity.¦Q-doc 500 is a fixed document holder (51 cm) clear acrylic. |
Spécifications Principales
Prix et informations mentionnés sous réserve d'erreurs ou d'omission - Photos non contractuelles
* Le stock et le délai de livraison peuvent changer à tout moment, à la hausse comme à la baisse.