Compulocks Apple Mac Pro Locking Bracket and Keyed Cable Lock - Black

Compulocks Apple Mac Pro Locking Bracket and Keyed Cable Lock - Black - Support de protection - noir
83.64 ttc
69.12 € htva
PAS DE STOCK (sur commande)
Catégorie Accessoires pour Ordinateurs
Constructeur MACLOCKS
Modèle Apple Mac Pro Locking Bracket and Keyed Cable Lock - Black
Produit Compulocks
Référence Constructeur CL12MPL
The Mac Pro Security Lock lets you use our security cable lock or similar style compatible cable lock to keep your Mac Pro secure. Maclocks has developed the first locking and anti-theft solution for the new MacPro powerhouse computer. A must have for Mac Pro users on any scale – perfect for computer labs, educational institutions, graphic design and recording studios. The new Mac Pro Lock Bracket with Security Cable Lock fits comfortably underneath the cylinder lid to offer complete protection of the device and its hardware components. By designing the Mac Pro Lock to fit the curvature of the new Mac Pro the bracket plates sit securely over the power cable locking the lid into place. The bracket plate has an extended lip that will allow you to attach the included Security Cable Lock ensuring your Mac Pro workstation and all its impressive (and expensive) hardware are not going anywhere. Before locking the Security Cable to the bracket you will first want to tether the loop end around a solid and stable object like the leg of a table or desk. If you don’t have a secure place to tether the cable to, select an anchor point from the drop-down selection and you’ll be covered.
Spécifications Principales
Description du produitCompulocks Apple Mac Pro Locking Bracket and Keyed Cable Lock - Black - support de protection
Type de produitSupport de protection
Longueur2 m
Matériau du produitStainless steel
Conçu pourApple Mac Pro (Fin 2013)
Contenu de l'emballageVerrouillage de câble
Contenu du packageVerrouillage de câble
Prix et informations mentionnés sous réserve d'erreurs ou d'omission - Photos non contractuelles
* Le stock et le délai de livraison peuvent changer à tout moment, à la hausse comme à la baisse.


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