Brocade XBR-000163
Brocade - Module transmetteur SFP+ - Fibre Channel 8 Go (SW) - pour Brocade 300, 5100, 5300, 65XX, 7800, DCX Backbone, DCX-4S, Encryption SAN Switch; VDX 6730

243.49 € ttc
201.23 € htva
PAS DE STOCK (sur commande)
This SFP transceiver module offers a unique set of high performance, reliability and cost-effectiveness, helping enterprises and service providers meet the challenges of diverse network topologies. It provides the speed, capacity and low cost of ownership that Brocade is known for. By using Brocade qualified components, organizations can be assured that their Brocade products will continually provide the uptime performance and reliability required by leading enterprise service providers. |
Spécifications Principales
Prix et informations mentionnés sous réserve d'erreurs ou d'omission - Photos non contractuelles
* Le stock et le délai de livraison peuvent changer à tout moment, à la hausse comme à la baisse.