Ruckus 10 Gbps Direct Attached SFP+ Copper Cable

Ruckus 10 Gbps Direct Attached SFP+ Copper Cable - Câble à attache directe - SFP+ pour SFP+ - 1 m - twinaxial - noir - pour Brocade BigIron RX-32, RX-4; ICX 64XX, 7750; TurboIron 24; VDX 67XX
128.28 ttc
106.02 € htva
PAS DE STOCK (sur commande)
Catégorie Câbles réseau
Constructeur FUJITSU
Modèle 10 Gbps Direct Attached SFP+ Copper Cable
Produit Ruckus
Référence Constructeur 10G-SFPP-TWX-0101
CommScope offers a unique set of high-performance, reliable, and cost-effective optical transceivers to help enterprises and service providers meet the challenges of diverse network topologies. To ensure maximum quality, CommScope selects and tests the most reliable, highest-performing optical transceivers on the market, and then warrants their availability, capacity, and performance in CommScope product. Extensive performance and reliability testing reflects an ongoing commitment to quality. CommScope tests transceivers using the industry's most advanced tools and instruments to help ensure that they provide the right mix of functionality and performance when used in conjunction with CommScope products. The speed, capacity, reliability, and low cost of ownership that CommScope is known for is also provided in all optical components. By using CommScope-qualified components, organizations can be assured that their quality, warranty and service requirements will be met and that their CommScope products will continually provide the uptime, performance, and reliability required by today's leading enterprise service providers.
Spécifications Principales
Description du produitRuckus 10 Gbps Direct Attached SFP+ Copper Cable - câble à attache directe - 1 m - noir
TypeCâble à attache directe
Longueur1 m
Connecteur(s)1 x SFP+
Connecteur(s) (Autre côté)1 x SFP+
Conçu pourBrocade BigIron RX-32 AC system, RX-32 DC system, RX-4; ICX 6430-24, 6430-24P, 6430-48, 6430-48P, 6430-C12, 6450-24, 6450-24P, 6450-48, 6450-48P, 6450-C12-PD, 7750-26Q, 7750-48C, 7750-48F; TurboIron 24x; VDX 6710, 6720, 6730, 6740, 6740T, 6740T-1G
Connectors (Other Side)1 x SFP+
Connecteurs (côté opposé)SFP+
Connecteur (deuxi?me extr?mit?)SFP+
Prix et informations mentionnés sous réserve d'erreurs ou d'omission - Photos non contractuelles
* Le stock et le délai de livraison peuvent changer à tout moment, à la hausse comme à la baisse.


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