Optoma Panoview DE-9092EGA
Optoma Panoview DE-9092EGA - Écran de projection - motorisé - 92" (234 cm) - 16:9 - Matte White - pour Optoma H117ST, H185X, H190X, HD28B, HZ40STx, UHD35, UHD35x, UHD38

770.85 € ttc
637.07 € htva
(Disponible 48h)
(Disponible 48h)
This product is one of the only screens on the market that has a built in IR remote control. The screens aluminum casing also has an over-ride switch located at the end of the case. Depending on installation, both the built-in I/R and external infrared remote systems can be used.¦Tubular motors are known to be quiet and noiseless, stable, and smooth. Raise and lower your projection screen smoothly and precisely with the touch of a button. The tubular motor is the heart of this motorized projection screen and will give you years of reliable and trouble-free operation.¦EGA screens feature one of the best mounting systems on the market. The floating L-bracket design allows for horizontal adjustments and therefore the brackets can be fixed at any preferred point on the screen casing. Tightening screens ensure the screen remains locked and secure. |
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